Chiefly Personal

Historical Tumut Stories


Chiefly Personal INDEX

















The hall venture was the only white elephant he had ever handled it had not paid him 2. per cent. He had spent $,00p sovereigns in the district in 15 years, but that amount had more than doubled itself and the people had reaped the benefit

He felt extremely grateful to Mr Emmuel and the other speakers for their kind remarks and more particularly to Dr. Brown for the flattering compliment paid Mr. Harpin, who improved on acquaintance, and as Dr. Brown had truthfully said, was a straight goer. It was with great gratitude and joy that he he returned thanks for the manner in which they.had toasted his health.

Mr. John Weeden proposed ' Success to the Enterprise,' and other toasts honored were Commercial interests, by Mr. Baker; 'The Visitors,' by the Rev. Davies, and responded to by Mr. Dodd, Mayor of Gundagai and Mr. Elworthy. The Press was given by Mr. Downing, and responded to by Messrs. Groves, Watson, Vaughan and Sllivan.

The O'Brien Tenants was given by Mr. O'Brien and responded to by Mr. Leslie.

Bid CITY BLAZE. Damage Estimated £100,000, Sydney. Thursday

A large seven storey building opposite the Central Railway Station, and occupied by the Williams' Motor Agency, was totally demolished by fire at a late hour last night, while several smaller places near by were crushed by the falling walls and flames.

Explosions of benzine and other inflammable spirits' could be heard for a considerable distance away. Over twenty thousand people viewed the spectacle. Damage is estimated at one hundred thousand pounds.- (Ref-

TUMUT - TUMUT Golf Club held their annual ball last Thursday evening. About 100 couples attended. Music was supplied by the Cootamundra Orchestra.

The annual meeting of Tumut Tourist and Progress League was held last week, Dr. Clouston presiding. The report stated that during the year camping ground had been secured and fenced at a cost of £17/2/6.

A working bee had been held at Brandy Mary's Flat and a number of elm trees donated by Mr E. W. Myers were planted, which will in a few years be much appreciated by picnic parties.

Folders numbering 1O,OOO had been published at a cost of £30 odd and distributed over the Commonwealth Representation were made to shire Council for the construction of tennis courts, which was granted, the tourist league guaranteeing £14 per year rent being 7 per cent, on the outlay; the shire council has also agreed to the request to form a bowling green; sign posts have been erected at various sections as a result of a request to the council.

An additional copy of the picture film of Tumut was obtained and circulated through the State, and many minor matters attended to. The year commenced with a credit of £11.18.9 and ended with a surplus of £li3/12/3; receipts were £72/19/6, and expenditure £71/6/3.

The following officers were elected:—

President, Dr. Clouston;

vice-presidents, Mr. J. Wallace, Cfs. L. Cusack and J. Elphick

hon. treasuer, Mr. S. Fleming;

hon. seretarv. Mr. H. M. Potts:

hon. PubLicity officer, Mr. H. Weeden;

committee, Rev. F. W. Eettie, Cr. H. Godfrey, Messrs. E. M. Thompson, W. H. Crampton, H. H. Crouch, J. Perry, G. Gorrell L. D. Maitland. C. W. Williams. E. M. O'Regan, and M. E. Archer.

A vote of thanks was accorded the hon. secretary (Mr. H. M. Potts) for his work during the past year and to the shire council for courtesy extended.

An organ and vocal recital was held in All Saints' Church. Mr. Walter Thorman of the Conservatory of Music, played organ solos, and vocal solos were rendered by Messrs Potts and Hamtley and All Saints' choir rendered several anthems

Tumut people have raised £90 to assist the Woodbridge family, who are in very poor circumstances, Mr. Woodbridge having been an inmate of the local hospital for some time past.

The managers of the fund are applying to the Government for a small piece of land on which to erect a cottage for the family, an an offer to build a small homestead for £60 has been received, as well as another generous offer to partly furnish the cottage.

The Star Hotel has changed hands:

The late proprietor of the Railway Hotel, Junee (Mr. C. P. Byrne), his wife and family are taking over.

Miss Dulcie Davis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davis, of Capper Street had a minor operation performed prior to an operation for removal of the appendix, Drs. Browne and Clouston being the surgeons.

The committee of the 1st Tumut Boy Scouts Troop met at the Intermediate High School. Mr. Berry occupied the chair.

It was decided that the secretary (Miss M. Watson) write to the Eastern Riverina Boy Scouts Association to inquire as to what the necessary qualifications of a Cubmaster must be, the idea being to form a Wolf Cub Pack in Tumut.

A social and euchre party are to be held shortly in order to finance the committee.

The assistant scoutmaster's report was received and adopted.

It was stated that as 1st Tumut Boy Scout Troop ia now an open troop any boy in the Tumut district who is 12 years of age or over is eligible to be nominated to the troop.

Gundagai footballers visited Tumut, the latter team winning by 34 points to 9.

During June Tumut Hospital received £1053/9/3 of this amount £705 was subsidy, £133 was the result of the hospital ball, £61/3/7 from the Friendly Societies' Association and £30.3 from air effort by Mrs. Eoe, of Adelong.

The hospital has been treating an average of 14 patients a month recently. - (Ref- Albury Banner and Wodonga Express (NSW : 1896 - 1939)(about) Previous issue Friday 25 July 1930).

TUMUT - THE Silver Jubilee social realised £24, plus the sale of Jubilee medals. A flag dance was won by Mr. B. Robinson and Mrs. Casey.

Mr. R. C. Bowler's homestead and contents were destroyed by fire. The home was situated at Argalong. It is surmised that during the temporary absence from the kitchen, a piece of wood fell from the stove. and the room was soon in flames. Mr. and Mrs.Bowler, and their niece, Miss Orlander, managed to save a few articles out of the front rooms, before the fire obtained too great a footing. All valuables and personal treasures were destroyed.

Since the retirement of Scoutmaster John French, Scoutmaster .E. J. Farnville has taken over the Tumut Scouts. A portion of the Top Park has been made available for the erection of a Scout hall.

A cup is being offered for efficiency amongst second class scouts. The £1 donated by Mr. S. Crampton for the first Tumut player to score a try in the Maher Cup, was won by Jack Cruise.

A District Committee formed in connection with the King's Jubilee Shilling Fund decided to ask the Town Band to organise a Sunday night concert, and to ask Mr. Stathis if he would arrange for the screening of 'Royal Cavalcade' in connection with the appeal.

The associates 18-hole stroke competition resulted: —

Mrs. Holloway, 99 —22, 77;

Mrs. M. Archer, 104—28, 76;

Mrs. H. Smart, 105—23, 82;

Mrs. T. Eurell, 112—30, 82.

Mrs. T. Eurell was the winner of Mrs. Archer's trophy.

Tennis Tournament: — Ladies' Doubles, Semi-finals: Mesdames Anderson and Eilcy d. Mesdames O'Leary and Troweek, 8/6; Miss Crouen and Mrs. Muir d. Mrs. Taylor and Miss Murphy, 8/3. Final: Miss Crouch and Mrs. Muir d. Mesdames Anderson and Eiley, 8/5. Men's Doubles, Semi- finals: A. V. Green and F. Sylvester d. Purccll and Welch, 8/3; -Stacy and Stacy d. E. Sylvester and Whyte, 8/7. Final: Stacy and Stacy d. F. Sylvester and Green, '8/4. Mixed Doubles, E. Sylvester and Mrs. Taylor d. T. Mr,,and Mrs. McBride, 8/4. Singles, Semi-finals: Mrs. O'Leary d: Mrs. Anderson 7/15;- Miss Jeffrey d. Mrs. Iveraeh, 6/3. Final: Miss Jeffrey d: Mrs. O'Leary, . 7/5. Men's Singles, Semi-finals: E. Sylvester d. G. Stacy, 6/2; - W.- Whyte d. L. Sacy, 6/3. Final: E. Sylvester d. AV. Whyte, 6/4. - - Tumut- Tennis Club held a social and euchre tournament. The Monte Carlo dance was won by Mrs- Taylor and Jepsen. Mrs. M' Mullen and Mr. Graham M'Donneli won at euchre.

The Tourist and Progress League decided, to ask the Gundagai Pastures Protection Board to invest the control of the reserve, between the Factory and the pumping station, in the shire council, so that people could be prevented from taking the soil, the result of which was that trees planted by the shire there were falling over through lack of support.

The C.W.A. treasurer reported that the financial position showed a credit of £104/13/4, It was decided that a motion be put on the agenda paper that Younger Set members be allowed to be members of the parent branch and Younger Set at tho same time. The annual birthday of the branch was discussed and it was arranged that an afternoon be held on June 20. The articles made from Maehramc tvino were judged, and the prize (donated by Mrs. J. Broughton) was won by Miss Griffin. At a tennis social Mrs. F. Fitzgerald, who is leaving the district, was presented with a sandwich set from members of the club.

Mr. Leo T. Day, son of the late Mr and Mrs. James Day, of Tumut, died at a private hospital in Paddington, from war disabilities. He was 49 years of age.

Junee Rugby League footballers visited Tumut to play for the Maher Cup. Tumut proved the victors, with 22 points to 3.

Brungle Junior Farmers' gardening competition was won by John Burns.

A show ball is to be held in July.

At the Police Court, Sergeant Stewart asked the P.M. to adjourn the court for a few minutes to allow a presentation to be made to Constable F. J. Fitzgerald, who was being transferred to Sydney. The P.M. (Mr. J. A. Balmain) made the presentation, a travelling rug, and spoke of the Constable's good qualities. A number of the constable's friends met to bid him farewell. He was presented with an easy chair as a mark of esteem by his friends.

Miss E. Carr won the 18-hole eclectic handicap for Mrs. H. D. Smart's trophy, with 32 net.

The new club house at the golf links was opened by the president (Dr. Harbison)..

Mr. F. Belle, professional of the Cootamundra Golf Club, gave an exhibition of trick shots.

A mixed foursomes was played, resulting: — E. J. Holloway and Mrs. Holloway, 57 — 1.5, 42; H. J. Byrne and Miss N. Lynch, 59 — 15, 44; D. Livingstone and Mrs. Livingstone, 9 — 15, 44; K. Kneebone and Miss Masters, 61 — 17, 44.

A euchee tournament was held at the residence of Mr and Mrs C. A Oddy, Bowler's Flat, in aid of the Spring Flat P and C Association. Three ran equal for the men's prize — Messrs. C. A. Oddy, J. Forsyth and W Cooma. . They handed back the prize. Mrs. C A. Oddy was the winner of the ladies' prize. - (Ref- Albury Banner and Wodonga Express (NSW : 1896 - 1939)(about) Previous issue Friday 14 June 1935).

Tumut.February 16. MUNICIPAL. - At the meeting of the Tumut Municipal Council on Tuesday, Alderman E. G. Brown was unanimously re-elected Mayor, Aldermen Blakeney and Weeden congratulated the Mayor on his re appointment to the chair. His Worship suitably acknowledged the compliment. A communication from the Department of Mines said that the council's application for a grant of £200 should ho entertained as soon as funds were available. The counoil elected the various committees for the year; after which Messrs. Tuohy and Hilton's tender as valuators at the sum of (Pounds 825) was accepted.

A NARROW ESCAPE.-:One of our principal carriers, Mr. J. J. Curll, had a narrow escape on Thursday last. He was bringing a load of sixty bags of corn from a farmer's place on the Tumut River, when in coming round a narrow siding his wagon capsized. Mr. Curll, being, on the off side of his team, was in great peril. But he escaped without injury. It was at first thought that one of his horses was killed. But, strange to say,the principal damage he sustained was the loss of a few bags of corn.

PROGRESS COMMITTEE.--At a well attended meeting of this body last night, it was resolved to forward to the Minister of Justice a petition signed by all the leading people of the town and district, requesting the reappointmont of a resident Police Magistrate, and suggesting that such an officer should also carry out the duties of C.P.S.

It was also agreed to ask tho Government to replace the present Tumut bridge, with a new and substantial strueture, in keeping with other local improvements. - (Ref- Australian Town and Country Journal (NSW : 1870 - 1907)(about) Previous issue Thursday 28 February 1889).

.1890 - ACCIDENT - [BY TELEGRAPH.] (FROM OUR CORRESPONDENT.) TUMUT, TUESDAY. - A serious accident happened to the Adelong mail coach this evening. When coming down hill near the Killarney and Gilmore roads the near front wheel came off, and the coach capsized. Glynn, the driver, was severely injured about the face, and a passenger named Dixon dislocated his ankle. Both were taken into Tumut in a cart. Thomas Nestor, landlord of the Woolpack Hotel, received a compound fracture of the leg and other injuries. Mrs. Tutt and her infant escaped uninjured. - (Ref- The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954)(about) Previous issue Wednesday 1 January 1890).


CHIEFLY PERSONAL. Rev. Fathers O'Connell and Slattery have been paying a visit to the Tumut and Adelong parish during the past week.

A man named Williams from Grahamstown, was admitted to the Gundagai Hospital on Monday, suffering from an attack of pneumonia. Mr. R. Donaldson, member for Wynyard, has been laid up with pleurisy. It is Mr. Donaldson's intention to visit Tumut on October 2.

The inquest on the remains of the, late Mr. E. G. Broben, held in Mel bourne last week, was adjourned till Sept. 22nd, to allow of an analysis of the stomach.

The marriage of Miss Clarice Casson (formerly of Cootamundra) to Mr. John F. Massie was cele brated at the Congregational Church, Pitt-st, Sydney, 011 the 8th instant. At Bovvral last Tuesday Rev. Gordon Hirst, formerly C.E. ciirate at Gundasai, was married to Miss Edith Sheaffe, daughter of Mr. G. H. Sheaffe, until recently District Surveyor at Goulburn.

On last Sunday evening at St Paul's Church, Adelong, Mr. Val Wood song- the sole 'Nearer my God to Thee,' the rendition being much appreciated by the congregation. Rev Ross Edwards, Rector of All Saints, Tumut, occupied the pulpit.

Mr. Victor Lampe, son of Mr. Theodore Lampe, of 'Woodlands' Talbingo, while cutting a peice of linoleum had the misfortune to in flict an ugly gash in the fleshy part of the left hand through the knife he was using glancing off the piece of floorcloth. The wound was so extensive that he sought the aid of Dr. Mason who had to insert four stitches to close it.

The marriage of Miss Emma Mary Bridle, daughter of the late John Bridle, of Bowlers Flat, Tumut, and Mr. Charles Albert Oddy was solmnised at All Saints' Church, Tumut, on Wednesday afternoon by the Rev Ross-Edwards, Miss Ada Bridle (niece of the bride) was bridesmaid, and Mr. C. W, Oddy (nephew of the bridegroom) filled the role of best man.

A very representative gathering of townspeople of Adelong met at the residence of Mn H. C. Aiken last Friday evening to wish Mr. Val Wood (brother-in-law of Dr. Bond) farewell. About 15 prominent residents were present. Mr Wood has spent six months in Adelong and during his stay has made many warm friendships and numerous acquaintances. Mr. Aiken occupied the chair and presented Mr. Wood with a dressing case, on behalf of his wellwishes and as a token of his sojourn here. Several others supported Mr. Aiken's remarks eulogising Mr. Wood, and the recipient's health was drunk to. Mr, Wood suitably returned thanks.

A serions accident occurred on Sunday at the residence of Mr. J. Egan, Snowball. Mrs. D. Ryan, Gundagai, and her son Leo. and daughter Eileen, aged 10, were preparing to return to Gundagai, after having spent the day at Mr. Egan's. The pony was harnessed, and Mr. Ryan was holding it with a loose rein. The little girl Eileen stood on the sulkey step to get her coat, when something startled the horse and it plunged forward, throwing the child into a sitting position on the step. The pony shot along some distance, and Eileen was dashed head foremost against a kurrajong tree. When the child was picked up it was thought she was dead, but an examination showed this was not the case. Dr. Gabriel went out to the scene of the mishap by motor, and pro nounced the case a critical one. The girl was brought home on Mon day in Mr. Bootes' motor car, and in the evening the two local doctors operated on her. It was found that her injuries were not as seri ous as anticipated, and that the skull wag not fractured, so that Eily's recovery is only a matter of time.

The Federal Cabinet finished the Electoral Bill to-day. The principal item is the abolition of postal voting and extension of provision for absent voters, Sigh not if your cold Is painful, O'er its corpse a requiem sing: You can now be quite disdainful, Wood's Peppermint Cure relief will bring, Coughs and colds all fly like magic, At its advent any day; Though their ends may seem so tragic, Woods' will drive all colds away Send 5/0 to tho Adyocatk Office and this paper will be forwarded to you for three months. - (Ref- Adelong and Tumut Express and Tumbarumba Post (NSW : 1900 - 1925)(about) Previous issue Friday 22 September 1911 Page 2).


A District Committee formed in connection with the King's Jubilee Shilling Fund decided to ask the Town Band to organise a Sunday night concert, and to ask Mr. Stathis if he would arrange for the screening of 'Royal Cavalcade' in connection with the appeal.

The associates 18-hole stroke com petition resulted: — Mrs. Holloway, 99 —22, 77; Mrs. M. Archer, 104—28, 76; Mrs. H. Smart, 105—23, 82; Mrs. T. Eurell, 112—30, 82. Mrs. T. Eurell was the winner of Mrs. Archer's tronhy.

Tennis Tournament: — Ladies' Doubles, Semi-finals: Mesdames Anderson and Eilcy d. Mesdames O'Leary and Troweek, 8/6; Miss Crouen and Mrs. Muir d. Mrs. Taylor and Miss Murphy, 8/3. Final: Miss Crouch and Mrs. Muir d. Mesdames Anderson and Eiley, 8/5. Men's Doubles, ?Semi- finals: AV. Green and F. Sylvester d. Purccll and Welch, 8/3; -Stacy and Stacy d. E. Sylvester and Whyte, 8/7. Final: Stacy and' Stacy d. F. Sylvester and Green, '8/4. Mixed Doubles, E. Sylvester and Mrs. Taylor d. T. Mr,,and Mrs. McBride, 8/4. Singles, Semi-finals: Mrs. O'Leary d: Mrs. Anderson 7/15;- Miss Jeffrey d. Mrs. Iveraeh, 6/3. Final: Miss Jeffrey d: Mrs. O'Leary, . 7/5. Men's Singles, Semi-finals: E. Sylvester d. G. Stacy, 6/2; - W.- Whyte d. L. Sacy, 6/3. Final: E. Sylvester d. AV. Whyte, 6/4. - - Tumut- Tennis Club held a social and euchre tournament. The Monte Carlo dance was won by Mrs- Taylor and Jepsen. Mrs. M' Mullen and Mr. Graham M'Donneli won at euchre.

The Tourist and Progress League decided, to ask the Gundagai Pastures Protection Board to invest the control of the reserve, between the Factory and the pumping station, in the shire council, so that people could be prevented from taking the soil, the result of which was that trees planted by the shire there were falling over through lack of support.

The C.W.A. treasurer reported that the financial position showed a credit of £104/13/4, It was decided that a motion be put on the agenda paper that Younger Set members be allowed to be members of the parent branch and Younger Set at tho same time. The annual birthday of the branch was discussed and it was arranged that an afternoon be held on June 20. The articles made from Maehramc tvino were judged, and the prize (donated by Mrs. J. Broughton) was won by Miss Griffin. At a tennis social Mrs. F. Fitzgerald, who is leaving the district, was presented with a sandwich set from members of the club.

Mr. Leo T. Day, son of the late Mr and Mrs. James Day, of Tumut, died at a private hospital in Paddington, from war disabilities. He was 49 years of age.

Junee Rugby League footballers visited Tumut to play for the Maher Cup. Tumut proved the victors, with 22 points to 3.

Brungle Junior Farmers' gardening competition was won by John Burns.

A show ball is to be held in July.

At the Police Court, Sergeant Stewart asked the P.M. to adjourn the court for a few minutes to allow a presentation to be made to Constable F. J. Fitzgerald, who was being transferred to Sydney. The P.M. (Mr. J. A. Balmain) made the presentation, a travelling rug, and spoke of tho constable's good qualities. A number of the constable's friends met to bid him farewell. He was presented with an easy chair as a mark of esteem by his friends.

Miss E. Carr won the 18-hole eclectic handicap for Mrs. H. D. Smart's trophy, with 32 net. The new club house at the golf links was opened by the president (Dr. Harbison). Mr. F. Belle, professional of the Cootamundra Golf Club, gave an exhibition of trick shots. A mixed foursomes was played, resulting: — E. J. Holloway and Mrs. Holloway, 57 — 1.5, 42; H. J. Byrne and Miss N. Lynch, 59 — 15, 44; D. Livingstone and Mrs. Livingstone, 9 — 15, 44; K. Kneebone and Miss Masters, 61 — 17, 44.

A euchee tournament was held at the residence of Mr and Mrs C. A Oddy, Bowler's Flat, in aid of the Spring Flat P and C Association. Three ran equal for the men's prize — Messrs. C. A. Oddy j J. Forsyth and W Cooma. . They handed back the prize. Mrs. C A. Oddy was the winner of the ladies' prize. - (Ref- Albury Banner and Wodonga Express (NSW : 1896 - 1939)(about) Previous issue Friday 14 June 1935).



A SOCIAL, was tendered to lady members of Gilmore Agricultural Bureau, and a presentation made to Miss F. Campbell. Visitors were present from Batlow and Tumut Plains branches. A presentation of a lady's toilet set was made to Miss F. Campbell, who is leaving the district, by Cr. T. O'Brien on behalf of fellow members, as a mark of esteem.

A social held in the Spring Flat hall returned £4 profit, to be devoted to the hall fund. The Monte Carlo dances were won by Miss Percival and partner, and Mrs. D. Jones and partner. The P. and C. Association subsidised school at Spring Flat held a euchre tournament at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Oddy, Bowler's Flat, in aid of their annual picnic. The winners were Miss J. Cookson, Miss R. Morris, Messrs. C. Davey and R. Harris.

A dance held at Lacmalac, organised by members of the hall committee, returned £9.

The Tumut Church of England Fellowship Dramatic Club staged 'What Happened to Jones.

There was a fair attendance, and the audience thoroughly enjoyed the performance. The golf trophy winners during the season were: — A grade championship, F. Miller; B grade championship, W. Clout; president's trophy, D. Living stone; captain's trophy, W- Scotton; secretary's trophy, H. J. Byrne; Mr. H. Wecden's trophy, B. Robinson; Mr. H. Smart's trophy, E. Baker; King George IV trophy, J. Baker; Mr. F. L. Baker's' trophy, Dr. J. Mason; For syth cup, J. Peach.

All clubs were represented at a meeting of Tumut District Cricket Association. It was decided to run a competition in two divisions, four teams, Billiards-room A, Batlow A, Tumut Plains and Gilmore to form the A division, and Billiards-room B, Batlow B, Lacmalac, Wyangle-Gocup and the Ten-stoners (Tumut) the B division. The A division play for the Stabback cup, and the B division for the Baker cup. The C.W.A. has sent letters of condolence to Miss Bourke, Mrs. Barrows and Mrs. Allan Downing; also to Mrs. Broughton, secretary of Tumut branch, who has been ill in Sydney. At a Tourist and Progress League meeting the secretary for railways wrote, stating that the request for the erection, of a covered-in-way at Tumut railway station for unloading facilities could not be acceded to. It was decided to make representations to the Government Tourist Bureau so that Tumut would be recognised as a tourist centre. Mr. Staunton gave notice of motion that hr would move at next meeting 'that a publicity officer be appointed'.

The results of the Tumut District Junior Farmers' competition are as follow: —

George Pearce (Tumut) .1,

John Burns (Brungle) 2,

Jeanne Callaway (Gilmore) 3,

Jock Claffey (Tumut Plains) 4. - (Ref- Albury Banner and Wodonga Express (NSW : 1896 - 1939)(about) Previous issue Friday 18 October 1935 Page 36).

This report is submitted in good faith. All endeavours have been made to make all entries authentic and correct. For any corrections and additional valuable information, maps and photos you may have please contact John

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Mr. and Mrs. Ron Brown of Nowra and formerly of -Tumut, are holidaying with Mrs Brown's sister, Mrs Cecil Taylor and her mother,

Merrivale St, Tumut. Miss Josie Lackey a sister of Miss Dixie Lackey at the Royal Hotel, Tumut, has taken a position with Mr and Mrs F. H. Arnoult at the Globe Hotel, Tumut.

Mr. Len. Withers, clerk at the, Tumut Railway Station, last Wednesday went on holidays to Narandera and other Southern towns.

Mr. J. O'Sullivan, son at the Cootamundra station master, is relieving him. Mr. Jack Quilty, from Condobolin and eiitivbile ot Gilmore, passed through Tumut on Saturday with 1000 of his own sheep, for his snow lease for summer ivimsturuge-; at- Kiandra, Mr. Jack Carter in charge.

Mr. Will O'Brien is back in Tumut again from the City suburbs, iie iug drawn either because of the approaching auction. miles of the properties in the estate of his late (father, W.D.P.s O'Brien,. ? . * m . . Mrs . Meg. Decry, ; Imperial Hotel, Goulburn, so well - known amongst Tumut people, is amongst .iis. apiiu, to assist her sister Mrs1. :, L . 1-\ War rows ( now ; liors ? , de-' combat ljecansu of her recent accident) and Miss Bourke during the vast , race trade at the Royal Hotel, Tumut.

Mr. Cliff Weeden, son of Mr. and Mrs Harold Weeden, Capper st, Tumut, fell olt a 1'llllj while a guest of a friend on Gilmore on Saturday and broke his left wi'i.siv The joint was X-rayed. I/Ucklly it. was not his right wrist that Kuiferodj for Cliff is sitting for his Leaving Certificate at the High School exams this week.